Presbyterian Women Annual Meeting and Evening Celebration

Presbyterian Women Annual Meeting and Evening Celebration


The Presbyterian Women Annual Meeting and Evening Celebration will take place on Thursday, 4th May 2017. Presbyterian Women (PW) is a women’s ministry within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. This annual event will attract around 1,500 to 1,600 women from all over Ireland. They will come together in the Assembly Buildings, Belfast to worship and hear from God’s Word.

Presbyterian Women Annual Meeting and Evening Celebration

PCI’s Women’s Ministry and PW Development Officer, Pauline Kennedy, is looking forward to the event & said that all women are welcome to attend. Both the annual meeting and evening celebration take place on Thursday 4th May. The annual meeting starts at 2:00pm and the Evening Celebration at 7:30pm. The events are free and there is no need to register.

“As we come together to worship and celebrate all that the Lord is doing throughout His church, we look forward to hearing what He has to say to us through His Word as we focus our hearts on this year’s theme, Grow and Bear Fruit. This is taken from Colossians 1:10 ‘…bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.”

Our guest speaker will be Nicola Clarke who is the Youth Worker in Orangefield Presbyterian Church. Nicola also serves on the Board of The Big House. She is a Professional Practice Tutor for students studying Youth and Community Work at the Centre for Youth Ministry Ireland,” Pauline Kennedy explained.

Presbyterian Women Annual Meeting and Evening Celebration

The guest speaker at the Presbyterian Women Annual Meeting and Evening Celebration is Nicola Clarke. The event takes place on Thursday, 4th May 2017 in Assembly Buildings, Fisherwick Place, Belfast.

During the afternoon meeting, Nicola will give her first talk on the theme ‘Grow and Bear Fruit.’

The evening meeting will take the form of a celebration. Here she will give her second talk and further unpack God’s Word and what it means for us to grow and bear fruit for His Kingdom. Praise will be led by Erin McBride and Emma Smyth.

Presbyterian Women also looks forward to welcoming Elma Leeburn as their 2017/18 President. Speaking ahead of the meeting, the incoming president who is a member of Hillsborough Presbyterian Church commented. “It is my heartfelt desire that no matter what age or stage in life we are at, that as women we would be equipped and inspired to live out our faith with boldness and to have a deep compassion that others may come to know Jesus personally.”

The 465 Presbyterian Women’s groups across Ireland seek to encourage women to become Christians and to live for Jesus. Also to actively reach out to others at home and overseas.

Find out more about Presbyterian Women here or find them on Facebook here.

assembly buildingsbelfastnicola clarkepresbyterian church in irelandpresbyterian womenpresbyterian women annual meeting and evening celebration