Training Event Organised by The Big House Belfast

Training Event Organised by The Big House Belfast

Here’s an opportunity for those involved in youth leadership to attend a training event organised by The Big House Belfast. This event will be dealing specifically with bereavement and pornography.

The Big House will be running two training events for youth leaders and others (over 18) engaging with young people. They are on Monday 8th May 2017 at The Big House offices at Cafe Grace, 12-14 Elmwood Avenue, Belfast.

One stream will be focusing on the topic of bereavement, how it can affect young people and how we can care in Jesus’ name for those experiencing it. This will be led by Elaine Roub from Cruse Bereavement Care.

The other stream will focus on pornography and how we can deal with this secretive, shameful and destructive issue in a youth group context. We are delighted to welcome back Ian Henderson from The Naked Truth to lead us in this brand new session.

In each of these sessions we will cover:

  • Background to the topic
  • A personal story
  • How does faith make a difference?
  • How to help your young person

You can find out more about The Big House and this event on their website hereYou can also follow them on Twitter or Facebook.

Do you engage with young people in a leadership role? This training event organised by The Big House Belfast has been developed for youth leaders and volunteers, specifically dealing with bereavement and pornography.

Training Event Organised by The Big House

Book your places online or contact The Big House if you have any queries, but don’t miss this opportunity!

This event will take place at 7:30pm in their offices at Cafe Grace, 12-14 Elmwood Avenue, Belfast BT9 6AY. Tickets cost £6 which includes light refreshments. Please email them if you have any special dietary requirements. (include your full name)

NB: This training event organised by The Big House Belfast has been developed primarily for volunteers and youth leaders (over 18) in churches and youth organisations. It may also be helpful for parents or church leaders.

belfastthe big housetraining eventyouth leadersyouth leadership