Radio Cracker AGM and Cheque Presentation

Radio Cracker AGM and Cheque Presentation

Montgomerys Restaurant recently hosted the Radio Cracker AGM and cheque presentation evening. A good number of Radio Cracker Ballymena volunteers were there along with representatives from the charities receiving cheques. The 2016 broadcast had raised a fantastic sum of £63,800, allowing Radio Cracker to support all it’s intended projects.

Radio Cracker AGM and Cheque Presentation

The Radio Cracker AGM and Cheque Presentation evening took place on Monday 27th February 2017. Representatives of the following charities received cheques from Gordon Dawson, RCB Chairman & Maureen Allen, RCB treasurer.

E3 Initiative – £8,935. Working with partners, Truevine Community Church, this money will allow them to start a chicken rearing farm in Kwa-Zulu-Natal, S. Africa. It will create jobs and provide much needed food for up to 9000 locals.

EMMS International – £9,732. This will be able to fund much needed maternity equipment at Chhatarpur Christian hospital in India.

Friends of Vispa – £6,500. This will help to complete a dormitory for 66 girls in a school in western Kenya. They currently have to walk long distances, often in dark and dangerous circumstances.

Kids4School – £10,000. This funding will help to build a Christian Academy in Tanzania. It will eventually have facilities for both primary & secondary teaching. Initially this will help with the primary school building work.

Lifeline Ministries – £3,960. They asked for funding to be able to replace a temporary corrugated tin school classroom, which is not in good condition, with a brick one. What’s even better, this will now fund 2 classrooms as the local community will be able to produce the bricks themselves.

Dr. Audrey Johnston from Life-line Ministries

Second Sight – £8,000. Radio Cracker once again supported this charity which works in Bihar state, India, to restore sight to many suffering from cataract blindness.

Tearfund – £10,000. The particular project they asked Radio Cracker to fund will help to renovate and supply teaching materials for a school in Beirut. This school is for Iraqi and Syrian refugee children and will give them hope for a better future.

Bread For Kenya – £6,000. The Tharaka people are extremely poor and many suffer from malnutrition and dysentery caused by drinking dirty water. The funds they received will supply these people with rain water collection tanks so they can have clean water to drink.

So if you add all these projects together, that’s a huge number of people whose lives will be improved! All thanks to the generosity of the volunteers, sponsors, advertisers and individual donations to Radio Cracker.

You can read about the projects which Radio Cracker Ballymena have helped on their website here.


bread for kenyacharitye3 initiativeemms internationalfriends of vispakids4schoollifeline ministriesradio crackerradio cracker ballymenasecond sighttearfund