Ballymena Presbytery Mission in Ireland Rally

Ballymena Presbytery Mission in Ireland Rally

Ballymena Presbytery Mission in Ireland Rally is on Wednesday 15th March 2017 in First Ballymena Presbyterian Church. This annual event will be starting at 8:00pm and the main speaker for the evening is Rev Tommy Bruce.

Ballymena Presbytery Mission in Ireland Rally

Looking forward to the event, a Presbytery spokesperson revealed. “Mr Keith McIlroy, an elder in High Kirk Presbyterian Church, will be sharing with us about his time spent working in Thompson House, Belfast.  Here they provide accommodation to suit the needs of ex-offenders.”

The Ballymena Presbytery Mission in Ireland Rally will take place on Wednesday 15th March 2017 at 8:00pm. The venue for this event is First Ballymena Presbyterian Church, Meetinghouse Lane. Speakers include Rev Tommy Bruce and Mr Keith McIlroy.

Talking about the main speaker, Rev Tommy Bruce, the spokesperson added: “Rev Bruce is no stranger to the Ballymena Presbytery. He has been a member of Kells Presbyterian Church before training for the ordained ministry.

Tommy will provide an update on his work as minister in the congregations of Letterkenny and Trenta Presbyterian Churches in County Donegal. He will also bring a relevant message from God’s word on the theme of mission”, they concluded.

To find out more about what’s happening within the Presbytery of Ballymena log on to their website here.

ballymena presbyteryballymena presbytery mission in ireland rallyfirst ballymena presbyterian churchpresbytery of ballymenarev tommy bruce