Church Lads & Girls Brigade Grand Spring Jumble Sale

The Church Lads & Girls Brigade Grand Spring Jumble Sale at St Patrick’s Ballymena is on Friday 3rd March 2017 at 7:00pm. This annual sale will be held as always in their Church Hall on Castle Street.

Church Lads & Girls Brigade Grand Spring Jumble Sale


The jumble sale is their main fundraiser for the year. It always proves to be a great night, with bargains for all! Donations of bric-a-brac, clothes, furniture, books, toys and unused gifts are needed. Also groceries and cakes for the sale would be gratefully received.

Donations can be brought to the halls anytime on Thursday 2nd March. Alan Ross is also available to collect items and can be contacted on 07759916755.

St Patrick’s Ballymena Church Lads & Girls Brigade Grand Spring Jumble Sale is on Friday 3rd March at 7:00pm. Have you items you can donate to the jumble sale? If so, please bring them to the church hall on Thursday 2nd March.

Church Lads & Girls Brigade Grand Spring Jumble Sale

Help us spread the word about the Church Lads & Girls Brigade Grand Spring Jumble Sale which raises funds for these youth organisations. Like their Facebook page here to find out what else is happening at St Patrick’s Church of Ireland in Ballymena.


ballymenachurch lads & girls brigade grand spring jumble salejumble salest patrick's ballymenast patrick's church of ireland