Release Word & Spirit Conference at High Kirk

Release Word & Spirit Conference at High Kirk

The Release Word & Spirit Conference at High Kirk Presbyterian Church Ballymena is on Saturday 25th February 2017. The speaker for this year’s event is Mark Melluish who is Senior Pastor at St. Paul’s Ealing in London. Mark will also speak at both morning services on Sunday 26th February.

Release Word & Spirit Conference at High Kirk

This year’s conference is called Release. High Kirk say, “This year we’ve called it ‘Release’ as we think about our God-given gifting and how we as the church can be released into our workplaces, communities and town with the love of Jesus.”

Here’s the programme for the Release Word & Spirit Conference at High Kirk on Saturday 25th February 2017.

  • 10:00am – Worship and Session 1 – Building for tomorrow today
  • 11:15am – Coffee
  • 11:45am – Worship and Session 2 – Creating open and healthy churches
  • 1:00pm – Morning session ends
  • 7:30pm – Worship and Session 3 – Keeping in step with the Spirit

Sunday 26th February

  • 9:30am & 11:30am Services – Trusting God for our future – Ephesians 1 v 15 – 23

The speaker is Mark Melluish. Mark is married to Lindsay and they have five children. As well as being Senior Pastor at St. Paul’s Ealing he is also on the leadership team of New Wine. This is a network of over 700 churches ‘which prioritises living out God’s Word in the power of His Spirit’. Mark has a heart and passion to see the local church reach out to the community. He will be encouraging everyone who attends the conference to seek more of God’s Word and Spirit in our lives. He will also be encouraging us to release the potential the local church has to change lives. Throughout the day he will look at how we can be more available to God and how we can continue to reach our communities with the gospel.

High Kirk are very keen to point out this is a conference for everyone! You are welcome to come and bring others. The church is at 65 – 71 Thomas Street BT43 6AZ. You can find them on Twitter or click here to go to their website to find out more about the church. Help us to let others know about the conference by sharing this article on your social media #sharetheconversation


ballymenahigh kirkhigh kirk presbyterian church ballymenamark melluishrelease word & spirit conference