Reaching and Teaching Ministries Update

Reaching and Teaching Ministries Update

Kenneth Wilson and his colleagues have given us a Reaching and Teaching Ministries update after a recent visit to the Philippines. RTM continue to be active in their quest to show Jesus’ love and win souls for the Saviour, particularly in the Philippines.
On a recent visit to the island group in southwest Asia, Kenneth and his fellow evangelist, Mark Rodgers linked up with RTM’s existing missionaries there in a bid to reach people in prisons, hospitals, schools and churches with the good News of the Gospel in addition to offering support to local pastors. During a breakfast event attended by 25 – 30 Filipino clergy, copies of the Shepherd’s Staff booklet were given out in addition to Bibles for their congregations.

Reaching and Teaching Ministries Update
RTM missionaries Hans-Jurg, Ermie Ramsier and Nick & Debbie Boni, with Mission Director, Kenneth Wilson and evangelist Mark Rodgers during their recent visit to the Philippines.

The trip involved several youth meetings.

Evangelism among young people played a big part in the last trip. Talking about a Youth Meeting where 25 young adults received teaching on the subject of true repentance, Kenneth remembered: “Many called out to God for forgiveness. We decided to have these youth meetings every night commencing on the Monday. Firstly, we taught on discipleship. Subsequently, we spent three nights looking at the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Many were baptised as they just called out to God and He baptised them.”

Kenneth revealed that numbers attending these gatherings increased nightly, adding: “On our last night Mark taught on ‘Digging The Right Foundation’, using the illustration from Matthew 7 v 24-28 of the house built on the rock and a house built on sand. He stressed the importance of building our lives on the rock which is Christ Jesus. We started with 25 young people and ended with 110 baptised in the Holy Spirit and – on fire for God.”

Reaching and Teaching Ministries Update
RTM evangelist, Mark Rodgers, speaking to a group of teens and 20s at the organisation’s base on the island of Mindoro.

Quite rightly, Kenneth and his co-workers decided that they could not walk away and leave these young people and let the fire go out.
He told The Church Page: “Issac-James, a Pastor’s son, will be leading the youth meetings under the oversight of two local Pastors and our two missionaries, Hans-Jurg and Ermie Ramsier. Nick and Debbie Boni, our missionaries who are based in Bohol will be going to going back to Mindoro every two to three months and will spend two weeks fanning the flame in these young people.”

The team also visited a High School where 400 of the 500 pupils professed Jesus Christ as their Saviour after hearing a message from his Word.

This Reaching and Teaching Ministries update also gives us an insight into their visits to several jails.

Three visits were also made to Filipino jails. Remarkably, 60 men came to Jesus after hearing Mark’s testimony on the first visit.

Recalling another highlight from the prison missions, Kenneth said: “One young women came to visit her dad who was in prison but because we were having a meeting at the time she just slipped to the side and waited as the gospel was proclaimed. Her father was the first to break and cry and call out to God for mercy. The daughter and Mark had the joy of pointing her dad to Jesus. She went home rejoicing as she was also born again. Many more men made a commitment. Praise God!”

As the team from Reaching and Teaching Ministries visited hospitals they were delighted to see God working there too.

Unsurprisingly, God also worked in hospitals as Kenneth visited patients to pray with and minister to them.

Reflecting on one miraculous incident, he said: “One patient on the ward was a young man who had taken ill at school. We prayed with him and shared Jesus with him. He to made a confession of faith in Jesus Christ. I returned to this ward on Saturday afternoon only to discover that he had been released and gone home. Praise God for his saving and healing power!”

Talking about another young man who was in hospital for the fourth time with stomach ulcers, Kenneth also said: “I noticed that there was something strange attached to his head. When I asked, he said no one could help him and he went to a witch doctor who put these things there for his healing. I told him Jesus could heal him and shared about the life of Jesus and why he came to earth. He then pulled up his tea shirt and showed me that his whole body was covered both back and front with things the witch doctor had put there. As I shared the gospel he began to take all the witch doctor’s stuff off his body and his young wife began to help him. (I did not ask him to remove anything) after some time both he and his wife made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ”, added Kenneth.

This Reaching and Teaching Ministries update also includes the news that they are soon to open a new charity shop.

An exciting opportunity is also on the horizon with Reaching & Teaching Ministries at home as the organisation is set to open another charity shop in Ballymena.
A full-time manager is required to oversee it in a paid capacity for 35 hours per week. If you would like to be considered for this position, email your CV to Kenneth Wilson at The Global Mission Centre, 11-17 Paradise Avenue, Ballymena. E-mail: Interviews will take place in March.
More information on Reaching and Teaching Ministries can be found by logging on to their website here.

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