Advent Mission at Maghera and Killelagh

Advent Mission at Maghera and Killelagh

An Advent Mission at Maghera and Killelagh will take place from Friday 2nd to Monday 5th December 2016. The theme for the weekend being ‘New Beginnings’.
Visiting evangelist for the mission will be the Rt Rev Bishop Ken Clarke.

Advent Mission at Maghera and Killelagh

The dates, venues and times are as follows.

  • Friday 2nd December 2016 in St. Lurach’s, Maghera at 7:30pm
  • Saturday, 3rd December 2016 in St. Lurach’s, Maghera at 7:30pm
  • Sunday 4th December 2016 – Killelagh with Upperlands in Killelagh Parish Church at 10:00am and in St. Lurach’s Maghera at 11:30am
  • Monday 5th December 2016 – Parish Christmas Dinner in The Lurach Centre at 7:30pm

The Advent Mission at Maghera and Killelagh will run from Friday 2nd to Monday 5th December 2016.

The Mission will conclude with a Parish Christmas Dinner on Monday 5th December and tickets for this will be available from 20th November from the Church wardens and The Lurach Centre. Adults £15.50 and Children (12 and under) £7.50.
Looking ahead to the Mission, a spokesperson for the Parishes said, “Advent is a time of expectant waiting and preparation as we look forward to celebrating Christ’s birth at Christmas. This year part of our preparation will take the form of our Advent Mission – ‘New Beginnings’. We invite our parishioners and friends to join with us at all or some of the mission services. We are delighted to have as our Evangelist at all the services The Rt. Rev. Bishop Ken Clarke.”
‘Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.” 2 Corinthians 5: 17.

For more information on the St. Lurach’s and Killelagh Parishes, log on to their Facebook page here.

advent missionadvent mission at maghera and killelaghnew beginningsrt rev bishop ken clarke