Irish Men’s Convention | Guarding The Heart

Irish Men’s Convention | Guarding The Heart

The 2017 Irish Men’s Convention | Guarding The Heart is on Saturday 25th February at the Spires Conference Centre, Belfast. The speaker for the Convention is Vaughan Roberts.

Irish Men's Convention | Guarding The Heart

What is the Irish Men’s Convention?

The Irish Men’s Convention is a brand new, annual conference. It will consider what masculinity, from God’s perspective, is all about. Knowing who you are as a man, depends upon knowing who God is. True knowledge of self comes from true knowledge of God and it is only the Bible which informs us of both. When it comes to Christian masculinity or manhood, the Bible has much to say about being a godly man. At the core of the Irish Men’s Convention is reading, hearing and understanding what is in the Bible. Then applying this to life as a man, in the 21st Century. The Irish Men’s Convention is organised by an interdenominational group of evangelical Christians comprising Colin Campbell, Moore Casement, Robin Fairbairn, Trevor Johnston, Jonathan McClaughlin and Andrew Roycroft

The Irish Men’s Convention | Guarding The Heart is on Saturday 25th February 2017 at Spires Conference Centre, Belfast.

Irish Men's Convention | Guarding The Heart

The programme for the day is as follows –

  • 9:15am – Doors open
  • 10:00am – Session One ~’Marks of a Healthy Heart’
  • 11:15am – Break ~ complimentary tea & coffee available. Tea & coffee will be on sale as you arrive in the morning and also at lunchtime.
  • 12:00 – Session Two ~ ‘True Satisfaction’
  • 1:00pm – Lunch – food can be bought from several cafes, restaurants and shops in the surrounding area.
  • 2:15pm – Session Three ~ ‘You Can Change’

You can read much more about the Irish Men’s Convention | Guarding The Heart on their website here. We have been told by the organisers that ticket sales are going really well. If you’re intending to go to this event you’re advised to get your tickets soon. Click here to go to the Good Book Company website where you can buy them online.

Get all the up-to-date news about the Convention on their Facebook page here and Twitter feed here.

Here’s a message from Trevor Johnston, chairman of IMC and Pastor of All Saints’ Church, Belfast. “We would love to see you at the Convention. We’re delighted that Vaughan Roberts, who serves St. Ebbe’s Church in Oxford, is our main speaker. He is a well known speaker and writer, having spoken at men’s conferences across the world. Bring your church men’s group, friends and anyone else! See you in February 2017.”

belfastguarding the heartirish men's conventionspires conference centrevaughan roberts