The Big House Youth Leader Training Day 2017

The Big House Youth Leader Training Day 2017

The Big House Youth Leader Training Day 2017 is on Saturday 18th February 2017. The venue is Whiteabbey Presbyterian Church Hall, Shore Road, Newtownabbey. Time is from 10:00am – 4:00pm.

The Big House Youth Leader Training Day 2017

What is involved in The Big House Youth Leader Training Day 2017?

If you’re a youth leader or someone who is even occasionally working with young people, have you ever asked yourself the following? Or has a young person ever asked you how they are going to deal with these issues in their lives?

  • How can I help a young person who is addicted to pornography?
  • What do I do if a young person says they have thought about taking their own life?
  • What is anxiety and how can I support a young person who struggles with it?
  • How do I respond when a young person tells me their parents are separating?

A spokeperson for The Big House Ireland said, “This training event is a unique opportunity for you and your team to become better equipped.  To be able to respond when these issues arise in the lives of your young people. We are bringing together contributors with professional & personal experience. Also a Biblical perspective to help us understand the issues and respond to them practically and in the way of Jesus.”

The Big House Youth Leader Training Day 2017 on Saturday 18th February 2017 at Whiteabbey Presbyterian Church Hall. The seminar topics will be –

  • Pornography
  • Suicide
  • Anxiety
  • Family change

Each session will look at –

  • The background to the topic
  • A personal story
  • How does faith make a difference?
  • How to help your young people

This event has been developed primarily for church youth leaders and volunteers over 18. Parents or other church leaders may also find this a very useful day.

Find out more on The Big House website here. You can book your tickets for The Big House Youth Leader Training Day 2017 here. The ticket includes tea/coffee and lunch.

Stay in touch with The Big House on Facebook here and Twitter here.

the big housethe big house irelandthe big house youth leader training day 2017whiteabbey presbyterian churchyouth leader training day 2017