Fuse 2016 Youth Event | Light Up

Fuse 2016 Youth Event | Light Up

Fuse 2016 Youth Event | Light Up is taking place from 18th – 20th November 2016.  The venue is Killygullib Orange Hall between Kilrea and Upperlands. This three night youth outreach event is being run by Re:new Youth Fellowship from Churchtown Presbyterian Church. Fuse 2016 gets under way each night at 8:00pm.

Fuse 2016 Youth Event | Light Up

A spokesperson for the organisers told The Church Page:
In a world of darkness, it is our prayer and desire to see a generation rise up and shine their light for an amazing God.  The God who created us and loves us so much. With that in mind our theme is Light up. Pete Wright from Lurgan is our main speaker for the weekend. We are excited by what God will teach us through Pete from His word.
Over the 3 nights there will be worship from Red Letter, Stephen McGall & Union Road. Our 2 life-stories are from people whose lives have been transformed by God’s grace. We will hear how God is now using them. They are Tash Creaney from Emmanuel Church, Lurgan and Mark Rodgers from Wellington Presbyterian, Ballymena.”

Fuse 2016 Youth Event | Light Up  runs from 18th-20th November 2016 at 8:00pm each night. Everyone is welcome.

  • In addition to the main weekend, we also have a social to launch Fuse on the Friday before it.  That’s Fri 11th November, in Drumbolg Reformed Presbyterian Church Hall. Music by Ignite Socials and it starts at 10:00pm.
  • On Saturday 19th November we have a Fuse coffee morning, Christian book stall and cake sale along with fun things for kids. It will be held in Killygullib Orange Hall from 10.30am to 1:00pm. All proceeds go towards the cost of Fuse.

“As a youth group and congregation we are excited to see what God will do over the weekend. We look forward to welcoming you to Fuse 2016 Youth Event | Light Up.”

For more information go to their Facebook page here.

churchtown presbyterian churchfuse 2016 youth eventkillygullib orange hallkilrealight upupperlands