Helen’s Close Shave For The Salvation Army

Helen’s Close Shave For The Salvation Army

Will you support Helen’s close shave for the Salvation Army? This year, Helen McLaughlin, who is a member of staff at the organisation’s charity shop on Broughshane Street, Ballymena as decided to go the extra mile and have her head shaved to generate some money in support of their annual appeal.
Her brown locks will face the chop during a Coffee Morning that is planned for Saturday 22nd October 2016 between 11.00am – 2.00pm. It will of course be happening at the Army’s busy Ballymena shop.
Before you watch Helen face the clippers at around noon you can enjoy some tea, coffee, biscuits or buns and some not very healthy cake.

Helen's close shave for the Salvation Army

This is all in aid of the Salvation Army’s annual ‘The Big Collection’ appeal which raises funds for the Church’s project’s worldwide.

Helen’s close shave for the Salvation Army is planned for Saturday 22nd October. The barber will be in action during a coffee morning being held between 11.00am – 2.00pm. Funds raised will go to ‘The Big Collection’ appeal.

Speaking to The Church Page in anticipation of her meeting with the barber’s blades, Helen said:
“Anyone who knows me knows that I am always up for a laugh. I actually talked about getting my head shaved for charity last year but it came to nothing. Therefore, when it came around to The Big Collection this year I thought, ‘Right, I am just going to go for it.”
Helen’s brother David, who has just finished training as a barber, will carry out the shave. According to his little sister, “David is more nervous about doing it than I am.”
“We haven’t really got a set figure in mind that we would like to raise. As the well known supermarket ad goes ‘every little helps’. We will be grateful for every penny we get which will be used in support of some amazing projects,” said Helen.
The Salvation Army was founded by William Booth in London’s East End in 1865 when he heard about the homeless people who were sleeping rough on the banks of the River Thames.
Today, the Salvation Army is active in 127 countries worldwide with various projects all aimed at showing the love of God in a practical way through Jesus Christ. It’s enduring motto of ‘Heart to God, hand to man’ remains central is the Church continues to help those what are suffering or in need as well as fighting for social justice.
The suggested donation for anyone wanting to attend the Ballymena Coffee Morning, and get to see Helen’s close shave for the Salvation Army, is only £3. For more information about the Salvation Army in Ballymena click here.

ballymenacharity shophelen's close shave for the salvation armysalvation armythe big collection