PCI Series Of Seminars Entitled On Being Human

PCI Series Of Seminars Entitled On Being Human

A PCI series of seminars entitled On Being Human is being held as part of ‘The Church in the Public Square’ series. These six thought-provoking ‘On Being Human’ seminars, organised by the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, take place this autumn and will address a number of topical subjects from human identity to end of life issues.

Drawing on the expertise of academics and professionals working in a variety of disciplines in Ireland and the UK, the PCI series of seminars entitled On Being Human will provide an opportunity to reflect on what it means to be a human being in the 21st Century by exploring the essence and uniqueness of human life.

PCI Series Of Seminars Entitled On Being Human

Organised by the Church’s Union Theological College and Council for Public Affairs, College principal, Professor Stafford Carson, welcomed the opportunity to explore such a diverse range of subjects. “Many of the moral and ethical issues we encounter today have a theological dimension, none more so than what it means for us to be human. This series of seminars is designed for people who are interested in thinking more deeply about a range of issues that are all connected with ‘being human’.”

A PCI series of seminars entitled On Being Human will begin on Monday 26th September. They will look at many of the complex and contemporary issues of being human in the world today.  Discussing and reflecting on what role the Church and Christians have to play.

Open to people of faith and no faith at all, the first seminar takes place on Monday 26th September 2016 in Union Theological College in south Belfast. This will set the scene for the series by looking at what the Book of Genesis says about human identity. The seminars will continue on Monday evenings 3rd, 10th & 24th October and 7th & 14th November. The speakers are from Union College, Dublin City University, Belfast Bible College, Queen’s University and University College London.

“Debates surrounding abortion and assisted dying are based on our understanding of the essence of human life. Today advances in technology, for example, mean that we may soon be capable of so modifying and enhancing human capabilities that we have to re-define what we mean by ‘being human’. Should we embrace these developments? Added to these are all the questions surrounding human sexuality, gender identity, and human rights, areas that this series of seminars will discuss,” Professor Carson said.

“As a Church we are very much a part of society and very conscious of the need to engage fully around the pressing social, moral and ethical issues of the day. I hope that this series of seminars contributes to this ongoing public discussion,” he said.

Individual seminars cost £5, while the series of six costs £20. For booking and more information click here.

belfaston being humanpresbyterian church in irelandseminarsthe church in the public squareunion theological college