The Smiles Foundation Staff Tour 2016

The Smiles Foundation Staff Tour 2016

The Smiles Foundation Staff Tour 2016 is getting underway in Northern Ireland before moving on to several venues in England, Scotland and Wales. The first date on the tour is Cloughwater Presbyterian Church on Friday 16th September at 7.30pm. They will then move on to Elmwood Presbyterian, Ballymacash Rd, Lisburn on Saturday 17th, again starting at 7.30pm.

The Smiles Foundation Staff Tour 2016

Each evening the team will present ‘an evening of worship, video and testimony with the key project staff and a special guest from the Smiles Foundation Joint Facility of Love project’ The team making up The Smiles Foundation Staff Tour 2016 include CEO Kevin Hoy and several of the Romanian staff who work on the different projects which Smiles are currently working on in Romania as well as a special guest.

A spokeperson from Cloughwater said, “We had a team from our church go out on a Smiles Foundation mission trip earlier in the summer. It was an amazing experience for us all to see how God is working in that part of Romania. We look forward to welcoming the Romanian team to Cloughwater and we also invite you to join us if you are already a Smiles supporter or would like to find out more about their work and mission trips. Help us give them a really warm Ballymena welcome.”

Tour UK September 2016 colour

The Smiles Foundation Staff Tour 2016 begins at Cloughwater Presbyterian church on Fri 16th September, then Elmwood Presbyterian Church, Lisburn on Sat 17th. Both events start at 7.30pm.

Many Church Page readers already support The Smiles Foundation and indeed have been out on one or more mission trips. This is a great opportunity for you to get right up to date with all that’s happening with the various projects. But it’s also a great opportunity to bring friends and family along to here about the fantastic work these guys are doing and how God is working in that part of the world.

You can read much more about The Smiles Foundation by going to their website here. Find out about the projects they are currently working on in Romania. Also get details of how to book a mission trip to see the work for yourself (and get your hands dirty when you’re there!) You can keep up to date with their work on Facebook here.

ballymenacloughwater presbyterian churchelmwood presbyterianlisburnromaniathe smiles foundationthe smiles foundation staff tour 2016