Cultivate Revival Northern Ireland

Cultivate Revival Northern Ireland

The organisers of Cultivate Revival Northern Ireland say about the event, “the Cultivate Revival Conference is an all new event, birthed out of our passion to see true, sustained revival.”

The venue is First Bangor Presbyterian Church, Main St, Bangor, Co. Down.

Cultivate Revival Northern Ireland

Registration opens at 6.00pm on Wednesday evening 14th September 2016, with the first session starting at 7.00pm.

The schedule for Thursday to Saturday is as follows –

  • Sessions at 9.30 and 11.15am
  • Lunch break 12.30 – 2.30pm
  • Sessions 2.30 and 3.30pm
  • Dinner break 5.00 – 7.00pm
  • Evening session 7.00pm

Global Awakening, the organisers of the event say, “Each day of the Cultivate Revival event builds upon the next. The first day lays a foundation and ignites a hunger in you for revival. This conference is designed to give you what you need to sustain a move of God.”

Cultivate Revival Northern Ireland programme

Cultivate Revival Northern Ireland Conference in First Bangor Presbyterian Church, Co. Down from 14th – 17th September 2016.

The speakers at the event are Paul Martini, an associate evangelist with Global Awakening, Blaine Cook and Richie Seltzer, senior leader of Imagine Church. Worship leader for the conference is Alun Leppitt. Alun and Donna Leppitt are the overseers of Global Awakening UK and are pastors of Bridge Christian Fellowship in Southhampton.

If you wish to attend the Cultivate Revival Northern Ireland conference you can take advantage of early bird tickets until 1st September – $99 (£76). Regular price tickets from then on will be $115 (£88) The evening sessions are FREE and are open to the public. Check out their website here for more details of the event and how to register. You can find out more about event venue, First Bangor Presbyterian Church, here.

‘Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?’ Psalm 85 v 6



bangorconferencecultivate revival northern irelandfirst bangor presbyterian churchglobal awakeningrevival