Prayers Of Blessing For Ballymena Resumes

Prayers Of Blessing  For Ballymena Resumes

The Prayers of Blessing for Ballymena resumes on Friday, 9th September 2016.
The venue for the first meeting will be All Saints Church (Slemish Conference Room in the All Saints Conference and Community Centre, 9 Cushendall Road.) All Prayers of Blessing will run from 12.45pm-1.30pm.

Prayers of Blessing for Ballymena resumes - All Saints Church

You are welcome to join Christians from different churches across the town in All Saints Church. Please note this particular meeting is the second Friday of the month. Normally the Prayer of Blessing will take place on the first Friday of the month.
The focus of prayer is the theme: “Hosting His Presence, Releasing His Compassion into the Community around us”
The prayers will be structured but informal, and will include worship, Bible readings, guided and time for open prayer.

As Prayers of Blessing for Ballymena resumes, you are encouraged to attend as often as you can.

Group spokesperson, Jonathan Leakey added: “The purpose and spirit of the Prayers of Blessing is to encourage Christians from lots of different churches to come together regularly to pray in whichever church is hosting. Coming together with a heart to honour and bless that church, however different it is to our own. To develop a culture whereby a growing number of people, out of love for the WHOLE Body of Christ, are prepared to follow the prayer on a monthly basis to some of the other churches that host. To come with an understanding that “where brethren (and sisters) dwell together in unity there the Lord commands the blessing” (Ps 133.) If you have, up to this point, only attended the Prayer of Blessing when it has come to your church, we would love it if you were to consider coming along to some of the other churches that are hosting, as and when you can.”

To get some more details on Prayers of Blessing for Ballymena check out the first paragraph of the article here. You can find out more about All Saints Church Ballymena here.

The Prayers of Blessing team look forward to welcoming you as you join them to pray for various aspects of life in and around the town and surrounding area as Prayers of Blessing for Ballymena resumes.

all saints churchall saints church ballymenaall saints conference and community centreballymenaprayers of blessing for ballymena