McCaw Family Summer Report From Mayo Street

McCaw Family Summer Report From Mayo Street

Here’s the McCaw family summer report from Mayo Street, Belfast, where Ahoghill couple, Paul and Lorraine McCaw and their young sons Cameron and Caleb, are currently serving the Lord.
The following article gives us an update of their work there with the Belfast City Mission.

McCaw family summer report from Mayo Street

‘We love because He first loved us.’ 1 John 4:19
This verse has become our Mayo Street verse, as God has clearly guided our path to Mayo Street Belfast City Mission, to show Christian love in practical ways to the people in the area. It is so hard to believe that we will be in Mayo Street one year on the 1st July 2016. Where has the year gone?

We have had such a good year with our Kids Club, which finished for summer on 10th May with a visit from GODMODEX, which everyone loved! On 20th May, we took the Bible Study folks to Rasharkin Flower Festival, which they all really enjoyed. They now know more about our part of the world! Our Sunday School ended with a trip to Bangor on Saturday 28th May, followed by a Sunday School Prize Day on Sunday 29th May. Everyone had an enjoyable weekend! Mums And Young Ones finishes on Tuesday 21st June with a Fun Day in the hall (DV). The Thursday night Bible Study and Prayer meeting will continue throughout the summer months, apart from when we, as a family, are on holidays.

We want to thank Trinity Proclaim Choir for an excellent concert on Friday 15th April. We had a full house and everyone really enjoyed the message in song and the personal testimonies of the young people. It was a real encouragement for everyone involved. It also raised sufficient funds for our Sunday School trip to Bangor, so thank you so much.

The McCaw family summer report from Mayo Street includes details of this year’s Kids Club Summer Week – please pray for this event.

As we had mentioned in our last prayer letter, we have plans underway to hold a Kids Club Summer Week, which will run from 1st – 5th August 2016. A team of young people from Trinity have volunteered to help us, along with a family from 1st Portglenone, so we are very blessed and really looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us! We plan to hold an outdoor club, at Woodvale Park from 2.00pm – 3.00pm every afternoon, with games and Bible story and an indoor club, in Mayo Street from 6.00pm – 7.30pm each evening, with singing, quiz, Bible story and crafts. Can we ask you to pray for this week? We still require assistance with catering, as we plan to provide an evening meal for the team. Please pray that the chosen people, for this task, would make themselves known to us as soon as possible! Please pray that as we meet as a team, a real bond will develop and that God will be glorified in everything. This is another new venture, with the potential for a large crowd of children, so please pray that we will have enough adult supervision!

So, it looks like summer is here. It is so lovely to wake up every day to the sunshine and birds singing! God’s creation is wonderful and His provision for, us as a family, continues to amaze us every day!!! Thank you so, so much to those who continue to support us financially, and prayerfully. Thank you for your continued interest in our service for the Lord.

Praise Points –

  • Praise God for the well attended Proclaim concert.
  • Praise God for all who support us financially and prayerfully!
  • Praise God for safety over the past year in Mayo Street.
  • Praise God for our Summer Team!

Prayer Points –

  • Please pray for our Kids Club Summer Week – plans and preparations.
    – that children in the area will attend.
    – help with catering.
    – adult help!
  • Please pray for planned door to door work.
  • Please pray for rest and relaxation when our family holidays come around.

It’s been a really busy time at Mayo Street! Please read the McCaw family summer report from Mayo Street prayerfully. Lots to praise God for & several items which they mention above, asking for specific prayer. Find out more about the work of the Belfast City Mission here.

belfastbelfast city missionkids club summer weekmayo street belfasy city missionmccaw family summer report from mayo street