Fit For Life At Glenwherry Presbyterian

Fit For Life At Glenwherry Presbyterian

Fit For Life at Glenwherry Presbyterian Church begins this Monday, 6th June 2016 at 7.00pm and will run for four consecutive Mondays – that is 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th June.
The theme for this year is ‘Prayer Changes Everything’ and in addition to various exercise related activities, there will be crafts and a healthy supper each evening.

Fit for Life at Glenwherry Presbyterian
Each evening will also feature input from a different guest speaker. The programme for these is as follows:

  • Monday 6th June 2016 – Vi Dawson
  • Monday 13th June 2016 – Melissa Campbell, (Volunteer with Hard Places, who work in challenging areas of the world.)
  • Monday 20th June 2016 – Rosemary McAuley, (pioneering local evangelist)
  • Monday 27th June 2016 – Members of Glenwherry’s own Care Team who provide voluntary support to needy people in the surrounding area.

Come along to Fit For Life at Glenwherry Presbyterian if you’re free on Monday evenings in June.

Looking forward to the event, Glenwherry’s Minister, Rev. Noel Mulholland, said:“I know that the ladies of the congregation are very much looking forward to Fit For Life at Glenwherry. At a time when the Church calendar is slowing down, this provides an opportunity for woman to come together, enjoy fellowship and hear more about what God wants to do in their lives.”
“Numbers have been very good in previous years and we look forward to having a good turn out again. We hope that ladies will bring their friends to enjoy a time of exercise, healthy food and fellowship.”


fit for life at glenwherry presbyterianglenwherryglenwherry presbyterian churchladiesprayer changes everything