New Horizon 2016 | The Jesus Way

New Horizon 2016 | The Jesus Way

New Horizon 2016 will take place from Saturday 6th until Friday 12th August at Ulster University, Coleraine. The theme for this year – The Jesus Way.

‘Jesus came and established his church, his people, against whom the very gates of the hell he spoke of would not prevail. What does this mean for us? What did Jesus say about the Kingdom, the lost and the church?’

New Horizon 2016 - the jesus way
New Horizon is a seven day Christian festival that takes place every year on the Ulster University campus in Coleraine. It exists to provide a space and time in which thousands of people of all ages can be taught from the bible, be inspired through worship and story, develop a missional heart, and engage with relevant and challenging issues.

Evening Celebrations are held over the seven evenings at 7.30pm in the main tent with the focus being on celebration, challenge and inspiration through music, story, preaching and prayer. Speakers – Gavin Calver and Trevor Morrow.

New Horizon 2016 - the jesus way

Bible Teaching takes place every morning in the main tent at 10.00am in the main tent with the emphasis on clear biblical teaching. Speaker – Scot McKnight.

NH Explore (seminars) seeks to address a wide variety of issues relating to Christian life and in keeping with the overall theme for the event.

Youth and Children’s work – upwards to 1000 children and young people are enrolled in the wide range of youth and children’s programmes: Mornings – Pre-school Crèche, SU programme (P1-7), On the Edge (Y8-11) & Livewire (Y12-14). Evenings – Salt Factory Sports (P5-7) Mon-Wed only and On the Edge (Y8-12).

Would you like to become a volunteer at New Horizon 2016 – The Jesus Way. Lots of opportunities are available!

In organising such a wide ranging programme we require volunteers in many areas but particularly for:

  • Crèche
  • General support (admin)
  • Salt Factory Sports
  • Site set-up
  • Stewarding

Check out the New Horizon website here for details of how you can get involved as a volunteer. You can keep up to date with New Horizon 2016 news on their Facebook page here and for the full event schedule click here.

bible teachingcolerainenew horizon 2016the jesus wayulster universityvolunteers