Flavour Of India Night At Ballee Baptist Church

Flavour Of India Night At Ballee Baptist Church

United Grace Mission has organised A Flavour Of India night at Ballee Baptist Church hall. You and your family are invited to get a flavour of the sub-continent at an India Information Night which will take place on Friday, 3rd June 2016 hosted by Ballee Baptist, Toome Rd, Ballymena starting at 7.30pm. This unique event run by United Grace Mission (UGM) will give an insight into life in India and you will hear what God is doing there.

Flavour Of India Night at Ballee Baptist Church

Since it was established in 1998, United Grace Mission has sought to reach, teach and care for people in India, in obedience to the ‘great commission’ in Matthew 28, verse 19-20.
Its founder, the late Pastor Tom Orr, had a big heart of the people of that vast nation, which is home to the second largest population in the world.
The work which Pastor Tom commenced has impacted immeasurably the lives of children with special needs, women, struggling believers and those who minister God’s Word in the sub-continental region.

Join with United Grace Mission for A Flavour Of India night at Ballee Baptist Church on Friday 3rd June at 7.30pm.

During the Information Night, you will be able to taste an India buffet, hear special music from the ‘Acclaimed’ group and see an Indian Market Display.
There will also be a photo booth for selfies and photographs with backgrounds – a photographer will be on site to take your snaps.
In addition, your children will receive gifts and there shall be an opportunity to hear what the Lord is doing in India first hand thanks to a special guest from that great land.

Flavour Of India Night at Ballee Baptist Church

Director of UGM and member of Ballee Baptist, John Boyd said: “We are very excited about the information evening and hope lots of people will come to find out about our work. It is also a very important occasion for UGM as we will be announcing some breaking news about the future of UGM on the night.”

Come along to find out more about how God is doing great things in India, sample some of the food and see some of the culture at A Flavour Of India night at Ballee Baptist Church, 166 Toome Rd, Ballymena.
For further details about how you could get involved, contact John on 02825 653070 or 07715418 or email: jboyd@unitedgracemissionuk.org. Alternatively, you can log on to their website here.

ballee baptist churchballymenaindiaindia information nightjohn boydpastor tom orrugmunited grace mission