Celebrate A New Pentecost at All Saints Church

Celebrate A New Pentecost at All Saints Church

You are invited  to A New Pentecost at All Saints Church, Broughshane Road, Ballymena on Thursday, 12th May at 7.30pm.
Described as ‘an evening of Praise and Worship’, this event is being put together by the All Saints’ Parish Folk Group to celebrate 30 years of their marvelous music ministry and they are inviting the entire community to come along and join them. 

A New Pentecost at All Saints Church

Revealing a little about its history, a spokesperson for the group said: “All Saints Folk Group began 30 years ago primarily to provide music for the Saturday Vigil Mass in All Saints, as well as other liturgies and prayer services in the parish. The aim of the group has always been solely to worship the Lord and help create an atmosphere where people could enter into God’s presence in a more meaningful way.”
Over the years the group has taken part in services in other churches in the town and made many lifelong friends.
Memorably, they spent last Summer attending Sunday morning services in other churches in the town, carrying a message of love, peace and reconciliation:

“We felt very blessed at each one of those services through the music, the preaching and the warm welcome and friendship we received”, smiled the spokesperson.
“We hope to do that again this Summer, visiting even more churches and making many more friends. We feel that God has called us to worship across the denominational divide, as well as serving in our own parish of All Saints and hope that as many people as possible will join us on May 12th as we glorify the Lord with one voice”, they added.

Everyone is invited to A New Pentecost at All Saints Church on Thursday 12th May 2016 at 7.30pm.

A New Pentecost is open to Christians of any denomination who love to worship. It is proudly supported by The Ballymena Churches Forum. For more details you can contact the church office here.

‘And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.’ Acts, chapter 2, verse 1

a new pentecostall saints churchall saints parish folk groupballymenaballymena churches forum