Salvation Army Lets Knit Together Group

Salvation Army Lets Knit Together Group

The latest season of the Salvation Army Lets Knit Together Group (also for all those who crochet) will begin with a special meeting on Wednesday, 20th April at the Salvation Hall in Waring Street – start time 7.00pm.

For many years, Doreen Armstrong from the Salvation Army Shop in Ballymena has co-ordinated a very successful knitting circle They have sent pencil cases, clothes, filled shoeboxes and other items which make a real difference to children in other countries. Handcrafted gifts from Doreen’s group have found their way to destinations such as the Philippines and Uganda. It’s also supported the Road of Hope Shoebox Appeal, which helps children in Hungry and Romania.

salvation army lets knit together group

Don’t worry if you are a newcomer to the circle, there will be ladies attending who will share how to knit/crochet lovely pieces that will change the lives of others in need.
Doreen says: “We love to see new faces so please come along, bring a friend and share a cuppa. I hope to see lots of people there.”

Subsequent meetings of the Salvation Army Lets Knit Together group will be held at the Salvation Army Shop in Broughshane Street.

However, if you can’t join the group on Wednesday night, don’t worry. Simply call in at the Salvation Army Shop on Broughshane Street and Doreen will give you a knitting pattern to follow from the comfort of your own armchair.
Even if you could manage to knit one pencil case between now and October, you would be letting a little child in Africa, Europe or south east Asia know that they are cared for next Christmas.

This special meeting of the Salvation Army Lets Knit Together group is on Wed 20th April at their Waring St premises. Subsequent meetings will be held at the Salvation Army Shop, Broughshane St, Ballymena. To find out more about the Salvation Army in Ballymena check out their website here.

ballymenahandcrafted giftsknittingsalvation armysalvation army lets knit together groupsalvation army shop