Tearfund Sponsored Walk At Shanes Castle

A Tearfund Sponsored Walk at Shanes Castle will be held on Friday 20th May 2016 from 11.00am. Each year, members of the local Tearfund group organize this sponsored walk and the wider community is invited to take part and enjoy a BBQ or a cup of coffee afterwards. You can get your sponsorship card by contacting Wellington Church if you would like to take part in this year’s walk.
Money raised by this year’s event will be donated to a Tearfund backed project to help struggling farmers in Chad to diversify into differing forms of crop production in order to feed their families and communities. The project is overseen by the Service Chrétien en Milieu Rural (SCMR), which translates as the Christian Service in Rural Areas.

Tearfund Sponsored Walk At Shanes Castle

For the year of the food diversification project, SCMR will inspire and equip three local churches to spread the good news of Jesus in word and deed to even more people. With SCMR-trained local churches taking the lead, communities will develop resources and skills they already have to improve their quality of life. This process will give local people a vision for determining their own future with their own resources.

Tearfund Sponsored Walk at Shanes Castle
This initiative will strengthen churches to take the lead in developing and transforming their communities. Farmers will learn to use their land more productively and sustainably to feed their families and earn a profit. Marginalised people living with HIV/AIDS will also be encouraged and supported to start small businesses to earn a living. Money earned will allow parents to send their children to school and to grow their businesses. The project aims to reach over 3,000 people, both directly and indirectly.

The Tearfund sponsored walk at Shanes Castle – fundraising to help communities in Chad.

It will cost £26,744 and runs between July 2015 and June 2016. Among other important activities, this money will be used to teach communities to farm in keeping with changing climate conditions, strengthen churches to take the lead in transforming their communities and support people living with HIV/AIDS.
If you would like to be part of this event & project which will help change lives for many living in Chad, then get involved with the Tearfund sponsored walk at Shanes Castle – remember that sponsorship cards are available from Wellington Church.
To read lots more about this project log on to their blog here or check out the Tearfund Northern Ireland Facebook page here.

chadService Chrétien en Milieu Ruralshanes castletearfundtearfund sponsored walkwellington church