Rev William Dickey Retires From First Broughshane

Rev William Dickey Retires From First Broughshane

After 24 years of faithful ministry Rev William Dickey retires from First Broughshane Presbyterian Church. Family, friends and worshippers recently gathered at a special evening organized in honour of Rev. William Dickey to mark his retirement and his 24 years of faithful ministry there.
William and his family accepted the call to the ‘Garden Village’ of Broughshane in 1992, although he was no stranger to Ballymena before that. Indeed, William was brought up in the congregation of Wellington Street where he was greatly influenced and grew in his service for God, particularly through his involvement in Christian Endeavour.

Rev William Dickey retires from First Broughshane church
The Rev. William & Mrs Dickey (front centre), pictured at a farewell evening organised by First Broughshane Presbyterian Church to mark Rev. Dickey’s retirement after 24 years faithful ministry in the congregation. Included are (back row centre) Alistair Dickey, Kathryn Summers & Gareth Dickey, Pamela Dickey (front left), and Thia Dickey (front right), along with Mr. George McMullan (Clerk of Session in First Broughshane) and The Rev. Joseph Andrews (Clerk of Ballymena Presbytery).


He studied Engineering at Queen’s University, Belfast, after which he worked in various jobs but developed a desire to take some time to carry out theological study.

Initially, he studied for a Diploma in Theology Course at the Bible Training Institute in Glasgow followed by a Bachelor of Divinity Degree at Queens’ University, Belfast.
Two significant things happened William during his time at Union. One was that he married his wife Eleanor, and the other was that it was during this period of study that William sensed a call to the ministry of Word and Sacrament and so applied and was accepted as a candidate for the Ministry.
Subsequently, he served as an Ordained Assistant under Rev. Joe Dallas in Whiteabbey Presbyterian and received a call to the congregation of Sixmilecross in 1983 where he carried out nine years of ministry before he arrived in First Broughshane.

Rev William Dickey retires from First Broughshane where he has been used by God over the last 24 years.

His emphasis there has always been to be faithful to the Word of God, declare the gospel of God, and encourage the people of God to pray for the work of God. He has had a very steady ministry in First, and has seen a midweek prayer and Bible teaching established. He has placed the gospel at the core of the life of the congregation, and has been used by God to build up many in their faith in, and walk with, the Lord Jesus.
Many have appreciated his pastoral sensitivity and it’s been a great encouragement to see a number of folks come through to be involved in various ministries at home and overseas. His wife Eleanor has also been tremendously supportive of William in his ministry and the life and witness of 1st Broughshane, including leading PW for many years and managing to develop and bring through others into a leadership role.

At Presbytery level William was convenor of the Visitation then Consultation Commission for over 12 years and has served as Clerk of the Interim Kirk Session of Glenarm for over 17 years. Appreciation of William and Eleanor’s Christ-centred ministry was shown during what was a memorable evening of thanksgiving.
A number of gifts where presented and the Clerk of Session, Mr. George McMullan expressed gratitude of behalf of the congregation for all their work and wished the couple every blessing as Rev William Dickey retires from First Broughshane church.

You can keep up-to-date with what’s happening in First Broughshane congregation on their Facebook page here.

broughshanefaithful ministryfirst broughshanefirst broughshane presbyterianretirementrev william dickeyrev william dickey retires