West Church Presents The Flapper Show

West Church Presents The Flapper Show

West Church presents The Flapper Show – a fashion show with a real difference! Members the Fellowship Team at West Presbyterian Church in Ballymena are seeing in Spring with a bang by organizing this fashion show which will showcase all aspects of 1920’s – 1930’s fashion, including 1920’s evening dressings, bathing wear and wedding garments.
The Flapper Show takes place at Leighinmohr House Hotel, Ballymena on Wednesday, 4th May 2016 with the programme getting underway at 7.30pm.

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Beautiful outdoor coats will also be modelled in addition to another very special collection.

Get your tickets for this event as West Church presents The Flapper Show.

Tickets are available at a cost of £10 from Elizabeth (07734 067706) or Wilma (07752 829621). The price includes light refreshment.
Money raised from the event will be divided between the West Church Hall Fund and War On Want, so come along and enjoy this fashion extravaganza with a difference as West Church presents The Flapper Show.

If you use Facebook, the link to the West Church’s page is here.

ballymenafashion showfellowship teamleighinmohr house hotelthe flapper showwest churchwest church presbyterian churchwest church presents the flapper show