The Leadership Swamp | One Day Seminar For Leaders

The Leadership Swamp | One Day Seminar For Leaders

The Leadership Swamp is a one day seminar for all those who have a leadership role with other Christians including ministers, assistant ministers, pastors, elders, deacons, deaconesses, youth leaders, etc.

The Leadership Swamp leadership seminar will be held on Wednesday 11th May, 2016 from 9.30am – 3.30pm at the Rosspark Hotel, 20 Doagh Road, Kells, Ballymena, County Antrim BT42 3LZ
The cost for the day has been set at £30, which includes a light lunch. You can see the full programme here.

As many in Christian leadership are feeling the pressure which is leading to high levels of burn-out and stress – this training conference will seek to help us become more emotionally intelligent in the way we lead people so that we will stay healthy and equipped for the long haul.

The Leadership Swamp Dominic Smart

The day will be led by Dominic Smart who has 27 years of pastoral ministry experience during which time he had an active leadership role with other Christians as the minister of two congregations
Dominic has also completed the Advanced Personal Leadership Programme at Henley Business School, with whom he has an ongoing connection.
He is a firm believer in pastoral coaching, and is widely recognised for his leadership ability, his preaching and teaching of the Bible and his engagement with current issues in society.
In this interactive one-day leadership seminar Dominic will be leading us through the leadership swamp – where real-world leaders influence real people in the church and the world. This seminar will increase your understanding of the nature of Christian leadership, give you experience of key issues in working with people and encourage you in the calling that God has given.

Registering for The Leadership Swamp

To register for The Leadership Swamp one day seminar you can go online and book it here on their website, alternatively, you can write to Daniel Kane, 6 Old Galgorm Manor, Ballymena, BT42 1RY, and include a cheque for £30.00 for each person attending, made payable to Daniel Kane.

ballymenachristian leadershipdominic smartleadershipleadership seminarross park hotelthe leadership swamp