Christians Against Poverty expect record requests for help

Christians Against Poverty expect record requests for help

This year Christians Against Poverty expect record numbers of people requesting help and advice to deal with spiralling debt. Debt charities expect this Monday – February 15, 2016 – to be its busiest day yet, following a record-breaking start to 2016.
While the economy in some areas has seen an upturn, Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is still hearing from thousands of people in desperate circumstances.

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Christians Against Poverty Ballymena Centre manager says –

“Most of our clients have been struggling with problem debt for more than three years by the time they get in touch with us,” explained Valerie Roebuck, manager of CAP Ballymena centre.
“So, what we’re seeing now reflects a snapshot of how things were several years ago. The main thing is that people find a way forward from a situation which can seem overwhelming.”
It has been a busy start to the year for CAP with 24 per cent more calls for help in January 2016 compared with January 2015. So far this year, more than 3,000 people have telephoned for help.
Every person who calls from the local area receives a visit to their home from Valerie or a member of the Ballymena CAP team.
All the person’s paperwork, overdue bills and letters about arrears are then sent to CAP’s head office where they answer each one and begin negotiations with creditors.
“Many people really struggle through these first months of the year and commonly people feel they should be able to sort out debt problems on their own, which is lonely and frightening.
“If you’re unable to sleep at night, worrying about money for food or receiving too many calls from people wanting money, we are here for you. Give us a call.”

Find out more at the Christians Against Poverty website or call 0800 328 006. You can also keep up-to-date with Christians Against Poverty on their Facebook page here.

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