The Big House – Working With Young People

The Big House – Working With Young People

The Big House asks the question –  When young people bring difficult issues to your door….where do you go?

Are you a youth worker in your church or fellowship – Sunday School teacher, youth club or youth fellowship leader, youth organisation leader or a young person who wants some help and advice with an issue you’re trying to deal with at present? Then this is especially for you!

The Big House Ireland logo

The Big House Ireland is made up of people from a wide variety of churches and backgrounds, but all share the same desire – they have a heart for young people and want them to know God’s love and care for them, especially when life is tough. The vision for the Big House is to have a permanent building but at present their programmes happen at various venues across the country.  The programmes include –

  • TRAINING for youth leaders (see details below of the next training event)
  • RESIDENTIALS (short term) – camps and weekends which are tailor-made to address the issues of the group attending each event. Held in a safe environment where they can have fun together and encounter God as they explore the issues they are facing. (see details of the next event for girls below)
  • COUNSELLING – The Big House are hoping to reinstate their professional counselling service soon. They are currently looking for qualified volunteer counsellors who are fully trained and experienced, and who will be able to give the correct advice and care needed to young people being affected by issues in their lives.

Two upcoming events which The Big House Ireland have planned are –

The Big House Training Day For Youth Leaders

  • Training For Youth Leaders – on Saturday 27th Feb 2016 in Whiteabbey Presbyterian Church – Help the young people attending your youth group who are experiencing difficult issues by training your youth leaders how to respond and care for them. Dealing with issues like eating disorders, family breakups, stress & self harm. This training will be Biblical and practical, including professional expertise and personal experience. If you’re a youth leader or know someone who is, and want to find out more, then contact The Big House on 028 9066 4300 or email

The Big House Beautiful 2016 For Girls

  • BEAUTIFUL 2016 For Girls – from 8th – 10th April 2016 at Moyallon Centre, Co.Armagh. This will be an action-packed weekend in beautiful surroundings for girls aged 12 – 18 to take some time to work out what it means to be BEAUTIFUL in God’s eyes. Sometimes it can be difficult in today’s world to believe we are beautiful – we’re under so much pressure to be skinnier/smarter/taller/shorter/funnier/prettier – if any of this strikes a chord with you, then come along to Beautiful 2016 For Girls. Bring your friends and your youth leader/s can come too. For more information contact Sarah on 028 9066 4300 or email Cost per person for the weekend is £48.

Do you feel God is leading you to get involved with The Big House Ireland project? If so, there are 3 ways you can become part of it –

  • PRAY – Pray regularly for the work of the Big House, for all the leaders who attend training and for all the young people we work with, that they will be encouraged and helped by our ministry.
  • VOLUNTEER – Could you be a leader at one of our camps? Help at a training day? Run a Fundraising event? Offer to train others in a skill you have? The Big House relies on volunteers who give of their time and talents.
  • GIVE – Could you help to support The Big House through financial donations?

You can stay connected with The Big House by following on Facebook here, Twitter here or check out their website.


beautiful 2016beautiful in god's eyesthe big housethe big house irelandtraining for leadersyoung peopleyouth leadersyouth worker