Gospel Concert For Macmillan

Gospel Concert For Macmillan

You’re invited to a gospel concert for Macmillan being held in High Kirk Church, Ballymena on Friday 12th February starting at 7.30pm. Popular local Christian group ‘Revelation’ will be playing as well as The Calderwood Sisters, Neil McKeown and Jamie Gillespie. MC for the night, and no stranger to High Kirk, is Richard Houston – this promises to be an amazing night of traditional and contemporary Christian music, so please put the date in your diary and plan to come along and support a very worthwhile charity at the same time.

Gospel Concert for Macmillan

Gospel Concert for Macmillan in High Kirk Church – 12th Feb 2016 at 7.30pm

The event has been planned and organised by Ballymena man Trevor Magee and his team as one of several fundraisers. Trevor is now in training to take part in the ‘Cross Florida Cycle Ride’ where again he’s fundraising for Macmillan Cancer Support. You can check out more about the cycle ride here. You can also keep up to date on Facebook here with all the news and events which are happening in the run up to the cycle ride itself which takes place on 3rd April 2016.

We’re told in Philippians 2 v 4 ‘In humility, value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others’ Trevor and his team have taken this on board and being in a situation where he was shocked to see so many people in a hospital waiting room with cancer, decided to do something about it and so he started to plan ways he could help Macmillan cancer charity and the people it supports as they cope with cancer. This gospel concert at High Kirk is one of several fundraisers he has planned.

Revelation‘s latest CD was recorded in USA but fortunately for this gospel concert for Macmillan you will need to travel no further than High Kirk Church, Thomas Street, Ballymena. You don’t need a ticket and there’s no entrance fee to the concert, but please bring your wallets and purses so you can donate to Macmillan Cancer Support who do such a worthwhile job in the community.


ballymenacancercross florida cycle ridefundraisinggospel concert for macmillanhigh kirkjamie gillespieneil mckeownrevelationthe calderwood sisters