‘Ballymena Church Forum – India’ team

‘Ballymena Church Forum – India’ team

Ballymena Church Members Forum partnering with Habitat NI are planning to take a ‘Ballymena Church Forum – India’ team to work around Delhi this year. In 2014 the two groups partnered to send a team to Ethiopia. This year the Forum is planning to build on that successful partnership with Habitat For Humanity NI by sending a team to India from 30 July – 13 August 2016.

Ballymena Church Members Forum logo

The team will be working in a resettlement colony in or around Delhi, in house construction and/or toilets. In these communities, Habitat is working with Habitat Indembia to build simple homes and proper toilets for vulnerable families. Homes are between 120 and 180 sq. feet.

During the trip team members will meet Habitat For Humanity homeowners and see how their decent homes have provided a ‘hand up’ out of poverty. Their children are healthier and for many their home is a base for a small business.

This is a wonderful opportunity to join with Habitat in working to address the urgent, growing, global need for adequate housing. A simple, decent home provides a family with a solid foundation to break the cycle of poverty.

Members of the visiting party will also visit the Taj Mahal at the end of the trip.

Habitat For Hunanity NI Logo

Ballymena Church Forum – India team information day

The Church Members Forum is having a meeting on Saturday 16 January 2016 at 10.30 am in Montgomery’s, Ballymoney Street, Ballymena for all those interested in joining the Ballymena Church Forum – India team.

An online application form is available on the Habitat NI website which you can fill in by clicking the link here . In the first option, please select ‘Team as part of an organisation’; then in the second option select – ‘Ballymena Church Forum – India’ team.

Further information can be obtained from Wendy Morton on 07790 059481 or by emailing wmorton@utvinternet.com

ballymena church forum indiaballymena church members forumhabitat for humanityhabitatniindiateam