Journey Community Church, Antrim

Journey Community Church in Antrim is one of the fastest growing fellowships in the area and have a very active youth group which maintains an extremely visible presence through various community orientated events.
Launched in 2013 and led by John and Rachel Ashe, Journey Community Church is described simply as ‘a group of ordinary people believing for the Gospel of Jesus to change our lives. Not just attending a Church but ‘being’ the Church.

It mission statement reads: ‘transformed minds lead to transformed people, who in turn transform communities – disciples making disciples for Jesus.’
Having built up a large youth group who are reaching out to the local community they also look forward to welcoming mission teams from the Bethel and Ohio each summer. To enable them to continue this outreach work effectively, members of Journey have decided to purchase their own minibus at a cost of £3,000.
They hope to generate this through street collections and charity football matches. In addition, Mikey Arthurs, who is one of Journey’s most committed workers, hopes to raise funds by undertaking a sponsored slim.

Journey Community Church member, Mikey Arthurs, is doing a sponsored slim to raise funds for a new minibus

25-year-old Mikey hopes to lose two stone by the end of March. You can join Mikey’s fundraising journey by sponsoring him. You can find out more about Journey Community Church Antrim by logging on to their website here or their Facebook page here.

journey community churchjourney community church antrimsponsored slimyouthyouth group