Family Service at First Ballymena

Christmas is coming and so is the next Sunday Evening Family Service at First Ballymena Presbyterian Church.

It will be held on Sunday, 13th December 2015 in the main Church Building.

Family Service at First Ballymena


For those who wish to avail of hot food prior to the meeting, this will be served in the church halls from 5:15pm to 6:15pm.

For those members and friends who just wish to attend the service only, you can make your way to the church for 6.30pm as is the usual custom.

This is a service for ALL – both the very young to the eldest member of the First Ballymena family. All ages will be taking part in the service during the prayers, readings and musical worship. Rev William Sinclair will be speaking.
A spokesperson for First Ballymena said: “Help us to make this new service once a month be successful. Please bring along a friend or even perhaps a neighbour, we would love to welcome them to God’s house and join with us in praising his name.”

You can find out more about First Ballymena here and you will be made warmly welcome at the family service at First Ballymena Presbyterian, Meetinghouse Lane, Ballymena on Sunday evening, 13th December.

all ageschristmaschurchfamily servicefamily service at first ballymenafirst ballymena