Experience a New Dawn at Christmas

Experience a new dawn at Christmas as the team at New Dawn fellowship invite you to celebrate Jesus, ‘The Reason For The Season’, with them at a series of events this Christmas.

Experience a new dawn at Christmas
A Christmas Celebration is planned for Sunday 20th December 2015. The meeting at 12 noon will be led by popular Christian combo, Simple Faith.
Another gathering at 7.00pm on the same day features Stuart Gibson and the New Dawn Choir.
On Christmas morning, (Friday 25th December 2015), another special service is planned for 10.30am, bring the kids and their toys!! and celebrate the birth of Jesus with the fellowship at New Dawn at Christmas.

Experience a new dawn at Christmas - star
Also, why not start the New Year with Jesus on Thursday 31 December 2015 at 11.15pm.
All of these assemblies will be held at Broughshane Community Centre.
For assistance, call the New Dawn helpline on 028 9581 1999 or find out more by logging on to our website here

broughshanechristmaschristmas celebrationnew dawn at christmasnew dawn fellowshipthe reason for the season