New Horizon 2015

Final preparations are well under way for New Horizon 2015. The tent is up and soon the campus of the University of Ulster Coleraine will be buzzing as 1000’s of people come to worship God, listen to the speakers and enjoy fellowship with other Christians at the various meetings at New Horizon 2015. This year’s event runs from 1st – 7th August with the opening Evening Celebration starting at 7.30pm on Saturday 1st.

New Horizon 2015

The theme for this year is “An Unconditional Love for His World”.

  • The speaker at the Bible Readings, starting at 10am each morning, is Iain Provan.
  • The speakers for the evening celebrations are Ben Kwashi and Harold Miller.
  • Praise will be led by New Irish Arts and Andy Lamberton. You can find out more about the speakers & praise team here.

New Horizon has been running this event at the Coleraine campus since 1989 and has grown to a stage where it now sees approximately 5000 people attending the various events on a daily basis making it one of the largest Christian events in all of Ireland. The largest tent on site – the Pavillion – can hold 3,500 and is used for the Morning Bible Readings and Evening celebrations. As you will appreciate, running an event of this size and ensuring it runs smoothly depends on input and hard work from lots of people. New Horizon 2015 like every other year depends on 100’s of volunteers. If you feel God is leading you to get involved in this, check out the many areas where you can volunteer to help here.

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Everyone is catered for at New Horizon 2015 –

  • a creche for pre-school children.
  • a programme organised by Scripture Union for children from P1 to Year 10.
  • On The Edge for years 8 – 11 in the Riverside Theatre
  • Livewire for year 11+.
  • a special celebration for those with learning disabilities is planned for Wednesday morning at 11.30.
  • a Livewire Social on Thursday 6th for teens & twenties.
  • and of course everyone, no matter what age, is welcome at all the other meetings.

You can see a detailed schedule and description of every event and meeting which will take place throughout the week here

For many local Christians this has become an event not to be missed, and New Horizon 2015 will be no exception. To keep up-to-date with the event and watch some fantastic short video clips of the set-up etc find them on Facebook here and to read more about New Horizon – including the event itself and it’s history, how to get involved, news and how you can donate to help cover the costs of this event check out their website here.

bible readingscoleraineevening celebrationsnew horizonnew horizon 2015new irish artspavillionpraiseuniversity of ulsterworship