Ballyclare High School ‘Well In A Week’

It’s sad,but true, that 1400 children are dying every day from water related illnesses but Ballyclare High School ‘Well In A Week’ project hopes to help one community in Africa so they can have something we take for granted – clean water! As many of you know Raise The Roof Kids Choir, working alongside Fields of Life, have been doing all sorts of fundraising events to build a primary school in the Gulu region of Northern Uganda and Ballyclare High School have decided to get involved by fund raising to get the £4000 needed to build a well close to the new school site. This will mean fresh, clean water for the children instead of the 6km round trips to fetch dirty water which is potentially fatal. So a school community of about 800 here in Ballyclare, Northern Ireland helping a school community of about 800 in Uganda, Africa. How exactly is that going to happen?

Ballyclare High School 'Well In A Week'

Ballyclare High School ‘Well In A Week’

Starting on 15th June 2015, the school intends to raise the funds needed to build the well….in just one week! Pupils are going to be doing some extra water-related chores at home – taking on some extra work so they can lighten the burden of a child in Africa. Then on 19th June they’re going to bring their sponsorship to a special Giving Assembly so that God can turn their small donation into something big! They will also be selling clean water to the staff & pupils, holding a BBQ and ‘sponging’ their teachers….but you can help too. They have set up a Ballyclare High School ‘Well In A Week’ Just Giving page so you can help them reach their target. Click here and donate what you can to help them with this really worthwhile project. You can also donate via Text Giving by texting the following code to 70070: WIAW66 followed by £2/£3/£5/£10

You can watch their short video clip to promote the event here and keep up to date on their Facebook page here

Ballyclare High School 'Well In A Week'

We would love to see Ballyclare High School ‘Well In A Week’ reach its target so that hundreds of children in this area of Uganda can have clean water.

ballyclare high schoolballyclare high school well in a weekfields of liferaise the roof kids choirugandawaterwell in a week