Living Rivers Evangelism Training Workshop in Ballymena

Living Rivers Evangelism Training Workshop in Ballymena will be taking place on Saturday 2nd May starting at 10.00am  in their church at 2 – 4 Railway Street Ballymena BT42 2AB, lead by Pastor Kevin Tillary.

Living Rivers Evangelism Training Workshop in Ballymena

As Christians we are told to GO into all the world and preach the gospel and this Living Rivers Evangelism Training Workshop in Ballymena has been organised to help us do this more effectively. As Living Rivers say in their literature about the event, ‘we have arranged a workshop packed with helpful tips and Holy Ghost ideas to assist us when we GO’ 

Pastor Kevin Tillary has spent many years involved in door-to-door ministry and street evangelism. He will share his experiences at the workshop and show us how we can all go out with courage and boldness to take God’s message to the people in our communities. The workshop will run for approximately 2 hours and then everyone will have an opportunity to take what they have learned onto the streets of Ballymena – getting involved in practical street evangelism.

The guys at Living Rivers Church would love to see you at this event. It is open to everyone who has a heart for reaching out to those who need to hear the Gospel. If you’re free why don’t you come along to Living Rivers Evangelism Training Workshop in Ballymena to hear what Pastor Tillary has to say and discover ways where you can share God’s message in a powerful way to those you meet on the street, at work and with your friends and family.

To join this event on Facebook click here and keep up to date with Living Rivers ministries here

ballymenaevangelismliving riversliving rivers evangelism training workshop in ballymenapastor kevin tillarystreet evangelism