High Kirk Church Ballymena ‘Awaken’ Spring Conference

High Kirk Church Ballymena ‘Awaken’ Spring Conference is being held on 25th & 26th April 2015. The main speaker will be Malcolm Duncan, who many of you will know if you were at last year’s New Horizon event in Coleraine. Malcolm is from Northern Ireland and is now pastor in Goldhill Baptist Church. 

High Kirk Church Awaken Spring Conference

The High Kirk Church ‘Awaken’ Spring Conference schedule.

The conference will start at 10.00AM on Saturday 25th April with worship led by Dave Dickinson & two talks from Malcolm Duncan before lunch break. After lunch there will be a choice of 3 seminars to attend –

  • ‘Faith at Home’ taken by Jane Butcher, where she will awaken us to our responsibility to pass on our faith to our children.
  • ‘Awakening to Faith & Culture’ taken by Peter Lynas. Peter is director of Evangelical Alliance Northern Ireland and will awaken us to keep Christ at the very centre of our lives in the middle of the culture we find ourselves in.
  • ‘Awakening to the Needs in Our Community’ This seminar will be led by a panel consisting of Margaret Dempster, Leigh Stewart & Ivy Goddard who will use their experiences to awaken us to the needs in our community dealing with topics such as poverty, substance abuse & ethnic minorities.

‘Sacred Space’ in the afternoon gives everyone attending the conference a time to rest, to refresh and reflect before the evening worship and final talk from Malcolm starts at 7.00pm.

For anyone wishing to stay on into the late evening there’s an acoustic cafe in the Oasis at High Kirk immediately after the main conference finishes.

High Kirk Church Ballymena ‘Awaken’ Spring Conference will continue on Sunday 26th April with Malcolm Duncan speaking at both the 9.30am & 11.30am services.

This conference has been planned to help us catch a fresh vision of God, what He has done for us in Jesus and what He plans to do when we surrender to Him. We need to be regularly awakened to the glory and wonder of what God can do through us if our lives are filled with the love of Jesus.

To download the information leaflet click here and to keep up to date with High Kirk Church Ballymena like their Facebook page here.

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