Prayer Time | December 2014

It’s the last month of another year and a special time in the Christian calendar when we remember the birth of our Saviour into the world. 

An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel” – which means “God with us”

Matthew 1 v 20 – 23


:Photo Credit :Andrew Malone :Creative Commons


  • Keys to Spiritual Wellbeing talks – These have been running for 3 weeks now and the final talk in the series is being held on Fri 5th Dec. Let’s pray for the organisers and leaders that they will have been encouraged and blessed by seeing lives changed as a result of God working through these talks. Also for everyone who has attended that God will continue to work in their lives long after the talks are over. That those who want to live a more fulfilling life or get purpose back into their lives again will see that happening as they allow God to transform them.
  • Pray for Radio Cracker as it broadcasts for a 4 week period to raise funds for several charities in different parts of the world with one thing in common – they are aiming to help people, in Jesus name, who are suffering or are in need of what we would consider the basics of life. You can see and read about all the projects they hope to help this year by visiting their ‘projects’ page here. Pray that businesses and individuals will be generous again this year as Radio Cracker hope to reach out with the funding these charities need to show God’s love in a very practical way.
  • Ballymena Church Members Forum Advent Reflections – Remember this series of lunchtime meetings held in several Ballymena churches each Thursday throughout December.
  • We received the following prayer points from the leaders of Christmas Spark. They would value your prayers for all the people involved in Christmas Spark this year, that it would be a time of blessing. Pray especially that God will use this event and the volunteers to point people to Jesus and be able to share the hope and joy which he can offer, and bring some of the real meaning of Christmas to our local communities. (More details about Christmas Spark will be in a separate post published later this week)
  •  Pray for the many events and services happening in all our churches over the next few weeks. Too many to list here. Pray that as the increasingly secular world looks on, they will see the real meaning of Christmas and that those who aren’t regular church attenders, but who come Christmas events will again be reminded of why we really celebrate Christmas …. to remember the birth of Jesus, the Saviour of the world.
ballymenabirth of jesuscelebratechristmaschristmas sparkjesuskeys to spiritual wellbeingPrayer Timeprayer time december 2014radio cracker