Without Walls At He-Brews Coffee House

Christians from several local churches across Ballymena have organised a Without Walls informal evening in He-Brews Coffee House, 7-11 Queen Street, Harryville, Ballymena on Thursday 27th November from 7.30 – 9.30pm. Without Walls invites everyone who feels our churches and Christian outreach ministries could come closer and work better together and where possible, take God’s message into the community together.

This will be an informal, relaxed & fun night in a coffee shop with cake and conversation! A night to connect with other like minded Christians who want to hear what God is already doing in the lives of individuals and communities across Ballymena but also a time to spark new friendships, talk about informal partnerships, listen to those with a vision for outreach in the town and just to chat and have fellowship with each other. 

You can see the plan for the evening on the flyer below. The team who have prayerfully created Without Walls would love to see you at He-Brews Coffee House on 27th Nov at 7.30pm. If you intend to be there please contact Richard Wilton on 07730 660319  so they can plan the evening.

‘I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now’ Philippians 1 v 5

Without Walls front

Without walls back

communitieshe-brews coffee houseinformal partnershipslocal churchesnew friendshipsoutreachvisionwithout walls