Victory Praise Community Church – Ballymena

Victory Praise Community Church is a welcoming and vibrant church who meet in their premises in Pennybridge Industrial Estate, Ballymena for worship. A church made up of people of all ages and backgrounds.


“Our desire is to communicate God’s heart through our own lives but also reaching out to the people in our communities….a passion to see broken lives restored and for people to have an amazing relationship with their creator, God”

Here are some of the ministries which you can find at Victory Praise Community Church.

  • Helping Hands Ministry

Helping people in need is very important to us here at Victory Praise which is why we set up Helping Hands Ministry. Being able to show God’s love in a practical way is a crucial part of our Christian witness. Part of this ministry is to support disadvantaged families and individuals through food distribution. You can help us do this by donating non-perishable food items. On the other hand if you’re going through a tough time at the minute and would benefit from this please get in touch with us. Either way you can speak to someone at Victory Praise on 028 2564 2226 or email

  • Clubreach

Clubreach is a vibrant street ministry which takes place every Friday night between 11.30pm and 2am giving Christians the opportunity to chat to many people who are out and about in the town about issues and concerns they have and being able to talk to them about Jesus.
Although run by and based at Victory Praise, we are blessed to have others Christians from other churches in the town and beyond helping in the ministry. It’s been going for nine years and growing steadily.
It is such a privilage to work with other churches and see the Kingdom of God extended. For more info contact or call 028 2564 2226

  • Reflector Youth

Our goal for young people is that they will understand that being a successful young Christian is about relationship not religion, being creative not criticised and being a group that are devoted to God’s House. Reflector meets every Tuesday night. Doors open at 7pm and starts at 7.30pm with praise and worship lead by our very own Reflector Band and some practical teaching about who God really is and how to live a life devoted to him. Café Reflection also on Tuesday nights, serves up some of the best Lattes, Cappuccinos, Hot Chocolates, & Frappés you can get.

  • ADAM for Men

Able. Dynamic. Anointed. Men.
We meet for a cup of coffee and have an informal evening, playing pool, darts, table tennis, draughts and chess. These evenings have been very encouraging times that have allowed our men to be men and has seen unsaved people giving their lives to Jesus. To check when the next ADAM meeting is on phone 028 2564 2226 or email


EVEs seeks to encourage each woman within the Church to realise her value, not only in God’s eyes but also within the Church. It’s aim is to bring women together in a relaxed and informal atmosphere where they can be Encouraged, Valued and have their lives Enriched. Contact 028 2564 2226 or email for more details.

At Victory Praise we seek to glorify our risen Saviour, offer heartfelt worship, demonstrate God’s love, grace and mercy & serve our church family.

ADAMchurchclubreachEVEfood bankHelping HandspennybridgeReflector Youthvictory praise community church