Are you familiar with the words Instagram, or Twitter? If this all sounds like gobbledegook to you, then Taking Care Social Media Training events can help to explain them. While social media sites may have many benefits they also have risks involved. It’s important as parents and leaders not to ignore this but to learn something of this virtual world.
With this in mind the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) have organised Taking Care Social Media Training evenings which will take place in several locations over the next few months. Taking Care Social Media Training is specifically designed to provide practical steps for leaders and parents, enabling them to protect and support healthy relations in the online world. Taking Care Social Media Training will cover Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media which our children are plugged into via computers, tablets and their mobile phones.
The event will run at the following venues;
Date: 17/09/2014 8:00 PM
Location: Loughgall Presbyterian Church
Date: 18/09/2014 7:30 PM
Location: First Ballyeaston Presbyterian Church
Date: 02/10/2014 7:30 PM
Location: Markethill Presbyterian Church
Date: 21/10/2014 7:30 PM
Location: OC Presbyterian Church, Randalstown
Date: 13/11/2014 8:00 PM Location: First Presbyterian Church, Ballymoney

The training is for any group of people: parents, leaders and/or young people. It takes a look at Social Media highlighting some of the dangers but at the same time stressing that it is something we can embrace and be positive about. It then sets out Taking Care policies and tries to educate people in the safe use of Social Media. The training also uses four short CEOP (Child Exploitation Online Protection) video films which are pretty hard hitting and as such the training would not be recommended to any children under 12 years old.
If you’re living in any of the areas listed above and you’re a parent or youth leader then these nights will really help you to understand and deal with the virtual world that is social media. If none of these nights suit you keep an eye on our site or on PCI’s site here as there will be other Taking Care Social Media Training nights taking place in the future.