Mental Health Issues In The Community Talks | Ballymena

Dr. Steve Critchlow, a psychiatrist from Belfast, is coming to Montgomerys Restaurant, Ballymoney Street, Ballymena to give a series of talks on mental health issues in the community. Covering the topics ‘What is depression and what treatments are available?’ ‘Overcoming suicidal thoughts’ ‘Addictions and how to find help’ and ‘Anxiety and stress management’ Each talk will begin with a presentation of the topic; you can ask any questions you have followed by a coffee break. After that you’ll be invited to stay and have the opportunity to hear and reflect on these mental health issues  from a spiritual perspective. Here’s a comment from someone who has already attended. “Your advice was very practical, full of common sense and you explained depression in a very people-friendly way.” Others liked the self help tips while others said the spiritual element was very positive and gave them hope.

Mental health leaflets front

These talks are open to everyone and admission is free. Mental health issues affect many in our community so whether you would like to find out more for yourself or you know someone who would benefit from being at these talks being held in Ballymena, come along and invite your friends. Full details are on the flyer below. As a practising psychiatrist for many years, Steve has vast experience in dealing with people who  need help and advice with mental health issues. As a Christian he has a heart and a vision to use this experience to make people more aware of these issues both from a psychiatric and spiritual point of view.

Mental health leaflet 'when'

Depression, suicidal thoughts, addictions, anxiety & stress – if any of these issues affect you or someone you know please come along to Montgomerys Restaurant, Ballymoney Street, Ballymena on the dates listed above and hear what Dr Steve Critchlow has to say about each of these mental health issues in the community.

addictionsanxietyballymenadepressiondr steve critchlowmental health issuesmontgomerys restaurantspiritualstresssuicidal thoughts