Wellington Presbyterian Church – Ballymena

Wellington Presbyterian Church is situated on the outskirts of Ballymena, on Sourhill Road. We have a modern church complex, ample parking and great facilities which we’re delighted to see used, not only by our own congregation, but also by people in local community. Our Sunday services are at the heart of our church life, with worship which appeals to young and old. Having a sports hall, youth facilities, a café and a library area, we can now reach out to the community around us with many activities where we can all enjoy fellowship and learn more about what the Bible teaches regarding the issues affecting our lives.


At Wellington Presbyterian Church we place a very strong emphasis on mission and reaching out into our community, locally and globally, to show the compassion of Christ in action.

  • Café Aroma

Cafe Aroma is used by our church groups all week and is open as a cafe to the public on Wednesday & Thursday mornings and Monday & Thursday evenings. Serving great coffee, home-baked scones and yummy treats, it’s an informal place to catch up with old friends or make new ones. A place to discuss your beliefs, talk to someone about your concerns or take a seat in a quiet corner in “the bookend” to enjoy a read. Feel free to call in any time you’re passing for a coffee and a chat, or if would prefer to speak to someone first, get in touch with Carol on 028 2565 6468

  • Furniture & Food (Frontline Ministries)

More and more we’re finding people struggling to make ends meet; some find themselves in accommodation with little or no furniture, others have difficulty affording food. So our “Frontline Ministries” seeks to stand in the gap, gathering together good quality, used furmiture, and non-perishable food and household items to be delivered by our volunteers. Please get in touch with Marbeth on 07841910349 if we can help you or if you would like to get involved in this ministry by providing food or your unwanted furniture.

  • Men On The Move

Since 2002 some of our able bodied men have been reaching out to India, Pakistan & Morocco. In India we work with Asha in the slums, building homes and renovating clinics. To find out more about how we’re showing God’s love in communities abroad get in touch with Gareth 028 2565 6468.

We are a church made up of ordinary people who have made mistakes, got some things right and some things wrong – but who have come together with a common desire to worship, serve & enjoy God, and we welcome all to come and join us on this journey.

ballymenacafe aromafood & furniturefrontline ministriesindiamen on the movewellington presbyterian church