Happy New Year From The Church Page Team
Happy New Year from The Church Page team!
This is also a good time to say thanks to the many churches, missions and Christian based organisations who have got involved with us during the last year. Are you are a church leader, organisation leader or missionary and would like to get your events, community outreach or news stories to reach a wider audience? If so, get in touch with either joeboyd@thechurchpage.com or ally@thechurchpage.com. Our audience is growing steadily across Northern Ireland and offers your church or organisation a free platform to reach the wider community.
Also to our ever growing readership. Thank you for reading the articles, liking and sharing them on social media and helping The Church Page to grow.
Our first verse of the week for 2018 gives us good advice, not just for New Year’s Day, but for every day of the year.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3 v 5 & 6