Ballymoney Church Of God – The Big Tent

Ballymoney Church of God – The Big Tent is a 4 night crusade taking place from Sunday 19th – Wednesday 22nd June 2016. (see poster for times) The event is being held at their church complex on the Garryduff Road. Special guest groups include Revelation, Pathway and Simple Faith. There will also be a Kids’ Club each night, so bring along the whole family.  This promises to be four great nights of meetings with lively praise and worship and messages from God’s Word.

Ballymoney Church Of God - The Big Tent

Pastor Jonathan Payne remarked “It has taken real team-work of sub-groups organising Catering, Children’s Ministry, Worship, Sound, Lighting, Security and Car-Parking, to name but a few.” He added “Everyone over these past few weeks has not just been preparing practically for this great event, but also prayerfully. My greatest desire is to see God move by His Spirit, once again like last year, touching lives, changing hearts, saving souls and bringing healing and wholeness.”

Ballymoney Church of God have always had a passion for the community and want to use this Crusade to touch the very heart of their Town. Pastor Jon Ogle, new Pastor, is also very excited about being part of this wonderful outreach.

Pastor Yvonne Payne commented that “over these past few months God’s hand has been upon the whole project, as doors of opportunity have opened for us to achieve this God given plan and vision for Ballymoney Church of God.”  She continued that “Our aim is to impact our Town and wider community with the message of Christ through both word and song.”

Ballymoney Church of God – The Big Tent 4 night crusade.

The Big Tent Crusade will be open to everyone both young and old, all church affiliations and of course the ‘un-churched’ too! Ballymoney Church of God’s own very talented singers and musicians will be taking part along with the guest singing groups REVELATION, SIMPLE FAITH and PATHWAY. The people of Ballymoney Church of God warmly invite you to come and be part of what promises to be four nights of Preaching, Praise, Prayer, Music and Worship that will glorify God and extend His Kingdom.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,

Because He has anointed Me

To preach the gospel to the poor;

He has sent Me to heal the broken-hearted,

To proclaim liberty to the captives

And recovery of sight to the blind,

To set at liberty those who are oppressed.”

(Luke 4:18)

Come along and be part of Ballymoney Church of God – The Big Tent – 4 Night Gospel crusade from 19th – 22nd June. 

For more information about Ballymoney Church of God go to their website here.