Refurbished Hall and Extension Opened at First Broughshane Presbyterian Church

A genuine sense of celebration and thanksgiving was evident at First Broughshane Presbyterian Church last weekend as members of the congregation officially unveiled their refurbished Hall and extension.
Dating back to 1655, First Broughshane is one of the oldest congregations in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.

A beautiful presence within Northern Ireland’s Eden village, great care has been taken to ensure that the uniqueness of the original, now listed building, has been maintained while the complex is brought up to 21st century standards.

“This project has been some 12 years in the planning and construction”, explains the Minister of First Broughshane, Rev Ronnie Agnew.
“Within the original facilities, there was a place behind the old hall known as The Session House. This was deemed to be unsafe for use by an Insurer’s Report.”
Such issues are now a thing of the past for the members of First Broughshane.

In addition to an extended Main Hall, their Church building has a new Minor Hall, welcome area, kitchen, as well as a purpose-built creche. There is also a Coffee Bar area, a Pastoral Care Room, with a youth area and office space upstairs.

Refurbished Hall and Extension Opened at First Broughshane Presbyterian Church

Talking about the difference these renovations have already made in the life and witness of this thriving fellowship, Rev Agnew said:
“We can operate all our organisations much more easily. It is now possible to have more than one activity going on at once. Our recent Holiday Bible Club was attended by 120-140 children; we were able to use all of the rooms. It was much easier to transfer them and others around the building.”
He added: “There are also facilities to provide tea and coffee after the service, and we hope to try some new initiatives in the Autumn, including a Mums and Tots Group, in addition to a Drop-In Café.”

Most of the 200-strong congregation were present at a special service on Friday 6th September 2024 when the updated building was Dedicated to the Glory of God by the Moderator of the General Assembly, Rt Rev Dr Richard Murray. Numerous invited guests joined Dr Murray, including friends from
neighbouring congregations, and representatives of the Building Contractor, Martin & Hamilton.
Saturday saw many other visitors drop in to view the new extension for themselves. Children were treated to face painting, as people from all the organisations were on hand to talk about how the upscale project has enhanced what they already enjoy about Church.

Rev Agnew concluded by saying: “When I was interviewed for the vacancy at First Broughshane eight years ago, the session spoke about their ambition to have improved facilities for the existing congregation, which would also enable them to engage with the wider community. I am delighted that the work is now completed and finished to a very high standard. Now it is possible to do everything that we have planned, and that is very exciting as we look to the future.”

Discover more about First Broughshane Presbyterian Church by logging on to their website –