New Public Lectures at Union Theological College Belfast
A number of new public lectures at Union Theological College have been unveiled that will take place there over the coming months, including the return of the popular ‘Theology For All’ series.
This year’s first public lecture, on the influential philosopher of the Scottish Enlightenment movement, Francis Hutcheson, will be given by the distinguished Oxford historian, Professor Ian McBride, and will take place on Tuesday 14 January at 7:30pm.
‘Theology For All’ series
The ‘Theology for all’ series makes its return in February and March. “This was our autumn series of seminars and was very well-supported and I was pleased to see over 100 people attend the series last year,” Union’s Principal, Very Rev Professor Stafford Carson, said.

“The series addressed issues around the Bible’s place in Christian belief and practice, where questions about the transmission of the biblical text and key theological issues about believing the Bible were discussed. Many of the attendees expressed appreciation for the interesting and compelling way in which the topics were presented,” Professor Carson continued.
“The series continues this spring with four evenings in February – 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th – and a further four in March – 4th, 11th,18th and 25th – when members of the Union College faculty will look closely at key books of the Bible.”
In February, Union’s senior lecturer in Biblical Studies, Dr Desi Alexander, whose commentaries on the books at the beginning of the Bible are well known and appreciated worldwide, will focus on Genesis and Exodus. In March, the College’s Professor Gordon Campbell, Professor of New Testament, will concentrate on the last book in the Bible, the Book of Revelation.
Professor Carson said that he imagined that both of these topics would lead to stimulating discussion and reflection on their relevance for today’s world. “As we welcome students from all backgrounds and members of the public to Union College, irrespective of denominational background, we will continue to be actively engaged in teaching and research that extends our theological understanding of important issues in contemporary life.
“These evenings will be of particular interest to those who teach or preach the Bible in a variety of settings. They will also provide helpful material for home groups or Bible study groups, and I very much look forward to giving a warm welcome to those who attend.”
Professor Ian McBride lecture

This month Professor Ian McBride will return to Union after giving the first public lecture of last year on Jonathan Swift. Kicking off this year’s public lectures, his subject is Francis Hutcheson, the son of a Presbyterian minister at Drumalig, County Down. Hutcheson became an influential leading philosopher of the Scottish Enlightenment, influencing Adam Smith, David Hume, and several signatories to America’s Declaration of Independence in 1776.
Looking forward to the lecture, Union College’s Lecturer in Historical Theology, Rev Dr Martyn Cowan said, “Professor McBride’s lecture last year was well attended and thought provoking and we are looking forward to welcoming him back to Union College.
“Entitled ‘Francis Hutcheson in Ireland, Scotland, and North America’, Professor McBride will explore this in the context of the 18th century transatlantic world and the influence that the ‘subscription controversy’ in Irish Presbyterianism had on Hutcheson, along with the question and nature of ecclesiastic power.”
Professor McBride’s 14th January lecture is free.
‘Theology For All’ is priced as follows: £10 per evening or £30 for each four-week series. £50 for all eight evenings. Group discounts available, students half price. To book telephone 028 9020 5080.
Find out more about Union Theological College on their website here.