A Message from the Faith Mission Bookshop in Ballymena

Andrew Houston, Manager of the Faith Mission Bookshop in Ballymena has sent a special message to readers of The Church Page. Asking people to support the High Street outlet, Andrew writes:
“Since our foundations were planted in Ballymena we have endeavoured to work alongside each and every church, to build lasting relationships. Over the past few months Faith Mission Ballymena has faced uncertain times with talks of closures since July 2024.

“We have worked tirelessly to keep our doors open and to continue to work alongside the amazing community which we find ourselves a part of. We now need your help, if we are to stay open in the immediate future we need your support, so how can you do that?

Shop Locally – We offer fantastic range of books, cards, gifts and so much more. Where it is possible we will also try and price match the online presence. We now are working closely with The Good Book Company, Christian Focus and many more suppliers to be able to supply at the prices you see.

Bookstalls – We can offer bookstalls right where you are. We will supply any circumstance. Ring Andrew on 07889 238941 and just ask for his help. We love to be in your church supplying your needs.

Prayer – Please pray for us a team. Pray for Samantha, Sarah, Robbie and Andrew as they work in the Shop on a daily basis. We treasure your prayers. Pray for safety for staff, pray for health and more importantly we continue to be able to draw alongside our customers, to chat and pray with them in hard times.

“We now have a new Slogan which you will see as part of our advertising and on our uniforms going forward and that is “Seeking Christ Together”. We want this community alongside ourselves to seek Christ and his kingdom first. That is our prayer for you and your church and we love to share in your Journey as we seek Christ together.”

A Message from the Faith Mission Bookshop in Ballymena

To discover more about what the Faith Mission Bookshop in Ballymena can offer you and your church, visit their Facebook page.