Re-connect Sunday at Carlisle Road Presbyterian Church, Londonderry // Sunday 29 September 2024

Re-connect Sunday will take place at Carlisle Road Presbyterian Church, Londonderry on Sunday 29th September 2024 from 11.30am.

This is the perfect opportunity to reconnect with your Church family after the long summer holiday. If it’s been a little longer since you attended worship, this is a chance to reignite your faith or perhaps get to know Jesus for the first time.

A spokesperson for Carlisle Road Presbyterian Church told us: “Join us as we re-connect with one another over fellowship, praise and the preaching of God’s Word. After the service you are invited to stay behind and enjoy a lovely soup lunch together in the Church Hall “

Re-connect Sunday at Carlisle Road Presbyterian Church // Sunday 29 September 2024

You will find Carlisle Road Presbyterian Church at 58 Carlisle Road, Londonderry and you can keep up-to-date with events and ministries at the church on their Facebook page.