Mid-Antrim CEF team build ‘momentum’ in Poland

Mid-Antrim CEF worker, Paul McIntyre, was one of the leaders on a recent Child Evangelism Fellowship Momentum Team which visited Poland. A number of very enthusiastic young people joined him on the expedition. One of the team shared their experience with The Church Page:

“Being part of the CEF Poland Momentum team 2024 was a wonderful privilege. We flew out to Gdańsk and then were picked up by some of the Polish team leaders and driven to Ustka, a lovely coastal town.

“The camp was for teenagers and took a similar form to teen camps at home except we had a Polish team and an Irish team. God was so faithful throughout the camp and opened up meaningful conversations with the Polish teenagers despite the language barrier. We had a morning meeting led by the Polish team and an evening meeting led by the Irish. We got to know the young people through activities at the camp site, beach and forest. It was a wonderful experience to see God’s name uplifted in praise in Polish and in English. Although I went to serve the teenagers, I learned a lot from both Polish and Irish leaders myself and came home encouraged in my own faith. I would highly recommend joining a momentum team!”

Paul added: “We have been in Poland over 10 times and each time we come home blessed and encouraged to see God is using the Polish Christians in a country that is very Roman Catholic.”

Mid-Antrim CEF team build 'momentum' in Poland
The Mid-Antrim CEF Momentum team who recently visited Poland on a mission trip

You can find out more about the work of Child Evangelism Fellowship in Mid-Antrim on their Facebook page.